How to find your clients on social media without hiring a marketer


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60 minutes


If you have a Facebook account, a Twitter account, a LinkedIn account and know little to nothing on how to use it for your business, then this webinar is for you!
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I don't need to explain why social media are becoming more and more used to grow business all around the world. And let's face it: we either think it is too complicated for us we simply do it downright wrong! And so your voice and experience cannot be heard, and you are just one among many others. By leveraging your social media channels, you can change your business and make it grow exponentially! In this course, I will teach you how to do so!

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September 11, 2018

Trainer Bio

Juan Pablo Sans - I am Juan Pablo Sans, a translator specializing in media content for the combinations English/Italian-Spanish. I have seven years of experience in the market with different clients such as SDI Media, Alpha CRC, Seprotec, Treeloc, Frontier Developments, Sintagma, and many other agencies in the market. I am also a language tutor in Cambridge, UK, and a translation trainer. For more information, please check my website

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