Official Document Translation: Creating an Important Translation Specialty II


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57 minutes

Learning Objectives

This course will provide information on translation techniques for official documents, sources of official document translation work, and sample templates from a variety of countries, focusing in particular, however, on Latin America and North America.

Attendees should have completed the Official Document Translation: Creating an Important Translation Specialty webinar, available on-demand.

This course is approved for one (1) American Translators Association Continuing Education point.


Learn how to effectively build a translation specialty focusing on official documents, including certificates, curriculum vitae and other credentials.
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In highly multicultural countries such as Canada and many others, thousands of immigrants arrive in the country each year, bringing foreign qualifications and other documents for accreditation in their adopted home. For translators, the translation of these foreign language documents can comprise a unique niche for translators seeking a new specialty area. This course is 60 minutes.

Course program:

- Translation techniques for official documents,
- Sample templates from a variety of countries, focusing in particular,
however, on Latin America and North America
- Sources of official document translation work

Upload Date

May 08, 2012

Trainer Bio

Suzanne Deliscar - Suzanne Deliscar is both a lawyer and a Spanish and French to English translator. A graduate of McMaster University with a Combined Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Latin American Studies, and a minor in Science, Technology and Public Policy in 2000, Ms. Deliscar went on to obtain a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Windsor Faculty of Law in 2003. Ms. Deliscar was called to the Bar of the Province of Ontario in 2004 and has been actively practicing law on a full-time basis since that time. As a lawyer-linguist, Suzanne focuses on official document and legal translation, and also trains fellow language professionals in the areas of marketing and legal translation.

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Orly Benun
almost 12 years ago

Informative presentation. I have more understanding for issues I was struggling with. thank you.

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