Plus Package - CafeTran Espresso


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Henry and Igor discuss CafeTran Espresso, part of the Plus package.
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We told you that the Plus subscription would include a “basket” of tools and services from third-party vendors, which you can use without further charges. We are pleased to announce the first basket item that we have secured for you: a CAT tool called CafeTran Espresso.

If you are a Plus subscriber, odds are that you already own a CAT (computer-aided translation) tool – and probably more than one. But if you have not yet seen or experienced CafeTran, you may want to take a look. This is a full-featured, industrial-strength tool that you can now use, any time you want, from as many machines as you want – Mac, Windows or Linux -- without needing a license. Why? Because CafeTran Espresso will respect your login, and, if you are a Plus subscriber, will never require you to obtain a license.

What is more, CafeTran Espresso integrates features such as KudoZ and “What I am working on”, to add both efficiency and a community feel to the unique tool.

Upload Date

November 16, 2016

Trainer Bio

Henry Dotterer does not have a bio.

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Kathleen Kownacki
over 1 year ago

Nice, quick introduction to the product.

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This is a Plus subscriber feature.

This is a Plus subscriber feature.

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