The Difference Between Proofreading and Editing


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59 minutes

Learning Objectives

  • distinguish quickly between the two types of work
  • estimate the affiliated work scope
  • negotiate a fair price for your actual work


At the end of this course you will know which steps are required in a proofreading job and the additional steps in an editing job. You will learn to clarify misunderstandings in regard to the different scopes of work clearly stipulating all aspects involved in each type of job. You will be able to negotiate a fair price that reflects the actual work scope for both types of work.
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In one hour you will learn to clearly distinguish between a proofreading and an editing job. You will know which type of work is required for each assignment.

Along with unlimited access to the video you will get access to the presentation and to the Reference guide.

Upload Date

October 13, 2016

Trainer Bio

Thayenga - Thayenga is a German to English to German translator with an experience in the translation industry of nearly 38 years. She also translates and proofreads from Spanish into English and into German. Since the early 1970s languages have been one of her passions. Her other passion is creative writing, which was crowned by her first novel having been published in 1996. As a writer and translator, the revision process with all its facets holds a substantial part in her working life which she now wants to share with all her colleagues.

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Gloria Hernández
almost 9 years ago

Very good, to the point presentation. Very informative and clear. Thanks so much for the resources provided!

over 9 years ago

I found that it only took the presenter about 35 minutes to cover the contents of the course and then the other 35 minutes were used to answer questions or make comments. This did not meet my expectations, as I was hoping for something more thorough. The material was ok although a little scarce.

over 10 years ago

I did appreciate the clarification regarding the two activities. However (sigh), the materials, including the PPT and the manual, contain many 'typos' and the sample translation provided to demonstrate editing is just not a good translation of the source text from German to English. I hate to be so 'picky' as I know the trainer has many years of experience but if this is a presentation about proof-reading...shouldn't the actual course materials have been proof-read as well?

Stephanie Busch
almost 12 years ago

A useful introduction for beginner proofreaders/editors. The webinar's Q&A session is included in the video, and Elke was so kind as to email me the Reference Manual she created on the basis of the 2012 webinar and Q&A session. (Webinar attendees received this manual automatically).

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