Translating Diagnostic Imaging. Part 1.


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60 minutes


Ever wonder how an MRI works, or how to translate an MRI report for a radiologist? These two sessions will cover the basic functions and uses of major imaging modalities, such as radiographs, MRI, CT, and ultrasound. In the first part, we will delve into the highly specialised terminology of diagnostic imaging reports and explain the terms used in each modality. In the second part, we will take a look a further look at some examples and terminology in context to demonstrate the pitfalls of medical jargon, acronyms and cognates. These will be two "hyperintense" sessions!<br><br><b>At the end of this session, participants will be able:</b> <br>- To define and provide the essentials for understanding diagnostic imaging (DI).<br>- To explain the technical basics of three DI modalities: Radiograph, CT scan, MRI.<br>- To illustrate visual differences between the three modalities.
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Ever wonder how an MRI works, or how to translate an MRI report for a radiologist? These two sessions will cover the basic functions and uses of major imaging modalities, such as radiographs, MRI, CT, and ultrasound. In the first part, we will delve into the highly specialised terminology of diagnostic imaging reports and explain the terms used in each modality.

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February 03, 2019

Trainer Bio

Erin Lyons - Erin M. Lyons is a full-time French to English and Italian to English translator, medical writer, and consultant and the Owner and President of BiomedNouvelle. Her primary areas of focus include clinical research, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and cosmetic products and she has split her professional career between Europe and the U.S. She has a BA in Romance Languages and Literature from the University of Chicago and an MA in Italian and French Translation from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. She has presented at several ATA Annual Conferences, as well as at the 2011 World Congress of the International Federation of Translators and the 2013 International Conference (Porto) and 6th Annual Congress and Training in France (Biarritz).

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