Translation for Environmental Organizations


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61 minutes

Learning Objectives

You will learn: Why environmental translation is important for the modern society. What are the different areas of environmental translation. How to equip yourself for environmental translation. How to deal with new environmental terminology. How to attract potential customers and to maintain good continuous relationships with them.


Translation of environmental texts can provide a stable source of income as well as useful and interesting information about the world we live in. Areas of environmental translation. Your potential customers. Equipping yourself for environmental translation. Terminology issues.
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Conservation of nature is a critically important issue for the modern society and there are many environmental organizations focusing on its different aspects and areas. Nature conservation includes a broad range of various issues from air pollution and global warming to the protection of rare animal and plant species. Often the solution of various environmental problems requires the joint efforts of scientists, politicians, managers, governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations and individuals not in just one country but in several countries.

Sometimes, even global efforts are required to investigate and find ways for fixing various problems. This often operates through joint multi-language projects and here we, translators come to help. For us, translators, translation for environmental organizations can be a stable source of income, but also an opportunity to contribute to a very important work as well as a source of interesting and useful information regarding the protection of the environment we live in.

We will discuss
  • Areas of environmental translation
  • Equipping yourself for environmental translation
  • Dealing with new environmental terminology
  • Potential customers and how to maintain good continuous relationships with them

Upload Date

August 22, 2016

Trainer Bio

Anneta Vysotskaya - Anneta Vysotskaya graduated the English Department of the Far Eastern State University (Vladivostok, Russia) in 1983. After working for one year as a school teacher she was invited to join the staff of the Scientific Information Department of the Institute of Marine Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She worked there for 20 years reaching the position of a leading translator. Her main expertise is in environmental, fisheries, food, health, medical and business translation. In 2004, she moved with her family to New Zealand and had to start as a freelance translator and interpreter practically from zero. She translated for many clients from all over the world. She also works as a community interpreter since 2005. Аннета Высоцкая закончила отделение английской филологии Дальневосточного государственного университета в 1983 году. Около 20 лет работала штатным переводчиком в Институте биологии моря и журнала Биология моря, в том числе ведущим переводчиком, а также переводила для других научных учреждений Российской академии наук. Выполняла переводы для Торгово-промышленной палаты. Она специализируется в переводе в области охраны природы, биологии, рыбного хозяйства, здравоохранения, медицины, пищевой промышленности, а также имеет большой опыт перевода во многих других областях. Неоднократно была переводчиком на международных научных конференциях. С 2004 году проживает в Новой Зеландии, активно работает переводчиком-фрилансером, оказывая переводческие услуги для клиентов в разных странах мира. С 2005 года занимается устным переводом в больницах и других учреждениях Новой Зеландии. С 2005 года занимается устным переводом в социальной сфере.

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Marjolaine Cantus
about 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your experience and advice!

Marija Jankovic
almost 5 years ago

Interesting training video.

willy paul
almost 5 years ago

Very good training.

User Avatar
almost 10 years ago

A very good overview for those looking to find their way into environmental translation.

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