Practical Examples and Specific Challenges for Sports Games Localisation


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52 minutes


Some practical examples for games localisation and some specific challenges in sports games localisation extracted from my experience in FIFA 17 and FIFA 18.
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The last part of the 3 webinar-long series on video games localisation. In this webinar, attendants will do a practical homework on games localisation and discuss the challenges and difficulties they found on it. Additionally, a brief explanation on games localisation will be given.

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August 10, 2017

Trainer Bio

Juan Pablo Sans - I am Juan Pablo Sans, a translator specializing in media content for the combinations English/Italian-Spanish. I have seven years of experience in the market with different clients such as SDI Media, Alpha CRC, Seprotec, Treeloc, Frontier Developments, Sintagma, and many other agencies in the market. I am also a language tutor in Cambridge, UK, and a translation trainer. For more information, please check my website

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