Blockchain and cryptocurrencies for translators. From Bitcoins to Smart contracts.


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80 minutes


Have you heard of Bitcoin? How about Ethereum? Does blockchain ring a bell with you? The blockchain revolution has officially begun. A whole new world of open innovation and finance is blooming and booming. Big business giants from Microsoft to J.P. Morgan are getting behind it. Would you like to become one of the first translators specializing in this emerging and potentially unlimited field? Then, welcome to the future. Get started with blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
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Have you heard of Bitcoin? How about Ethereum? Does blockchain ring a bell with you? The blockchain revolution has officially begun. A whole new world of open innovation and finance is blooming and booming. Big business giants from Microsoft to J.P. Morgan are getting behind it. Would you like to become one of the first translators specializing in this emerging and potentially unlimited field? Then, welcome to the future. Get started with blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

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February 02, 2018

Trainer Bio

Marcel Solé - Marcel Solé is a financial translator, proofreader and trainer. He holds a Higher Technician diploma in Finance, Marketing and International Trade and obtained an International Certificate in Financial English and a Certificate of Proficiency in English (University of Cambridge, Cambridge English). He also obtained a Diploma in Financial Translation from English to Spanish with honors. Marcel has worked ten years as a translator and Project Manager for translation agencies, outstanding business schools — listed among the top 25 by Financial Times and the Economist— and publishing companies. He has been training translators, interpreters and financial professionals over the last years. Marcel is also the author of the blog Marcel Soler es Traductor titulado en Traducción Financiera y Proficiency in English, Técnico Superior en Marketing y Finanzas y Técnico en Comercio Internacional. Marcel Solé, acreditado por la Universidad de Cambridge con el International Certificate in Financial English, está reconocido por las principales auditorías, como Ernst & Young, KPMG, y PricewaterhouseCoopers. Ha cursado Financial Markets con Robert J. Shiller de la Universidad de Yale. Durante diez años ha ejercido como traductor y coordinador en proyectos de envergadura en las áreas de las finanzas, el comercio, la comunicación y el marketing para entidades y editoriales de gran prestigio internacional. También ha trabajado para conocidas escuelas de negocio que figuran en los rankings del Financial Times y The Economist. Asimismo, Marcel Soler tiene una importante experiencia docente como profesor de inglés y de traducción financiera.

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Sarah Symons Glegorio, CT
about 7 years ago

Great presentation, very thorough and mind-boggling! Thank you for the detailed info; I’ve been interested in this topic for awhile and couldn’t find a concise overview. No problems with the audio.

I’m curious where the transactions originate from, and how much does it cost to have a transaction verified through a cryptocurrency network. Guess I’ve got my homework assignment. 😊

Colette Magalowski
about 7 years ago

Why has this video been deleted?

about 7 years ago

Hi Marcel,
your presentation was very interesting. _Unfortunately, as already mentioned, the audio is very bad from minute 59. Could it be possible to have the transcript of that part available for downloading or consulting here?

Marissa Aguayo Gavilano
about 7 years ago

I hope Proz fixes the audio issue because I had to mute the audio as it was unbearable.

about 7 years ago

Well, I find the same...

Dejan Papež
about 7 years ago

Hi, from minute 60, the sound is very bad. Otherwise, a very good presentation.

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