60 Minutes to Your Marketing Plan


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73 minutes

Learning Objectives

In this webinar you will learn how to
  • define your goals and objectives
  • identify your target market
  • define your strongest selling points
  • plan your marketing budget


This webinar will present you with the benefits on implementing a marketing strategy for your freelance business. In an hour, you will learn how to define your goals and objectives, identify your target market, define your strongest selling points and plan your marketing budget. All participants will receive a complimentary marketing plan template, specifically designed to be both effective and easy to use.
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This webinar discusses the benefits of implementing a marketing strategy for your freelance business. It also discusses HOW to set up and implement a marketing plan to maximise the impact of your marketing actions and land more clients.

As a participant, you will receive a complimentary marketing plan template, specifically designed to be both effective and easy to use. As we go through the webinar, you will learn how to gather information and make strategic decisions on all the aspects of the marketing plan. As a result, by the end of the webinar you will know how to

  • define your goals and objectives
  • identify your target market
  • define your strongest selling points
  • plan your marketing budget

Upload Date

January 28, 2014

Trainer Bio

Alessandra Martelli - Alessandra Martelli is a freelance translator and copywriter working in the industry since 2002. Alessandra specializes in translation and copywriting projects in the fields of Marketing & Advertising, Market research and Tourism, and she is the “Italian voice” of some of the most important brands operating in the fields of luxury, tourism & hospitality, B2B services worldwide. Conference speaker and professional trainer, Alessandra provides hands-on actionable training to freelance translators willing to improve their skills both as professionals and as business owners. Website: www.mtmtranslations.com Twitter: @mtmtranslations

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