Arabic Diglossia and Its Practical Implications for Translation


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53 minutes

Learning Objectives

This course is designed as an in-depth introduction to the phenomenon of diglossia as it applies to Arabic. After discussing the theory of diglossia, I will explain why it is essential for Arabic to English translators to understand this phenomenon to produce accurate translations. I will use Arabic examples but will include English translations for students not familiar with Arabic.


This course will teach participants the importance of diglossia and its implications for translation. In addition, it will give participants the theoretical and practical knowledge of diglossia necessary to produce high quality, accurate Arabic to English translations.
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This course will present an in-depth introduction to diglossia as it applies to Arabic. Moving from theory to practice, the course will also address the practical implications of diglossia for translating spoken and written texts into English and explain why Arabic to English translators must understand this phenomena to produce accurate translations.

Arabic to English translators must be aware of the diglossic situation as it applies to Arabic and be able to accurately address it when creating target translations into English. Understanding both the situational and linguistic context of a spoken or written text will help translators select the most appropriate register to use in English. Even though this course is geared mainly toward Arabic to English translators, those interested in (Arabic) linguistics but not familiar with Arabic will also benefit. Arabic examples will be used, but English translations will be provided for participants not familiar with Arabic.

After completing the course, students will have practical knowledge on how to incorporate the concept of diglossia to produce accurate, Arabic to English translations. Students will also have introductory theoretical knowledge of diglossia and multiglossia to pursue this topic further if they wish. Students will receive a handout that includes a relevant bibliography and terminology list. In addition, I will invite all students to email me questions about the course and/or Arabic linguistics. I will post these questions and answers on my company's website and give students the address to access this resource.

Upload Date

March 20, 2012

Trainer Bio

Carmen Cross - Carmen Cross has been a professional medical translator of German and Arabic medical documents since 2005. She holds a Bachelor's and two Master's in Arabic language and linguistics, as well as an Arabic-English translation certificate from New York University. In addition to medicine and biotechnology, she is also interested in foreign language acquisition and linguistics. Like her page on Facebook.

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Firas Allouzi
about 12 years ago

The subject is of great importance. I felt like there was more questions than answers! There could have been more examples and further explanation on the subject.

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