Boost Your Productivity with Voice Recognition Software


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84 minutes


Learn in this webinar how to use voice recognition with your CAT tool and other applications to improve the way you work and boost your productivity.
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A freelance translator's work can take a physical toll. The use of voice recognition software can be the solution to problems such as back, elbow and neck pain, allowing you to work more comfortably. It is also a proven method for increasing your productivity (and thus earning more). Learn in this webinar how to use voice recognition with your CAT tool and other applications to improve the way you work and boost your productivity.

Topics to be covered in the presentation:

• Introduction to voice recognition.
• How does it work?
• What are the advantages of using voice recognition software?
• Which are the software options available?
• What should we use voice recognition for? How should we use it?
• What's the impact in our productivity?
• Where can I buy it? How much does it cost?

Upload Date

December 23, 2010

Trainer Bio

Cultures Connection - Fabrice Michon es economista y traductor. Se graduó en economía de América latina en La Sorbona y Cambridge (DEA) y siguió el curso de maestría en asuntos internacionales (MPA) de la universidad de Columbia. Fue gerente de exportaciones para América latina de Prepac SA (, Gerente de negocios para Centro América y el Caribe de Freelance technologies (, Gerente de proyectos de PriceWaterHouseCoopers y Economista principal de la Comisión europea. En 2004 fundó Cultures Connection (, una agencia que se especializa en la traducción de documentos para organismos internacionales. Es traductor oficial de, entre otros, la FAO, UNEP y la OCDE.

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