Boost Your Use Of Twitter


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63 minutes

Learning Objectives

In this webinar you'll learn:
  • the tricky Twitter etiquette and its nuances
  • some tips on how to make a better use of Twitter
  • various and advanced networking / marketing strategies through Twitter


Did you know that Twitter remains largely underestimated and misused while it is probably the most powerful networking and marketing tool? Learn in this webinar just how powerful it is and what you can do to harness that power and make the best use of it for your personal and professional development.
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New to Twitter or already using it? Wondering how you can use it to enhance your business and your work? Twitter is probably the most underestimated social networking site out there, yet it is considered by many as the most powerful one in terms of networking and online reputation building/management.

What exactly can Twitter do for you and for your freelance business? How can you harness this power to make the best use of it? What are the fine and tricky nuances of the Twitter (n)etiquette?

Those are the main topics we'll cover during the webinar. Register now... and tweet about it! ;)

Upload Date

December 09, 2011

Trainer Bio

Anne Diamantidis - French native certified translator for English and German, Anne is the Marketing Manager (and occasional in-house translator!) at GxP Language Services, a medical LSP based in Germany. She also has her own business working as a Social Media & Internet Marketing consultant, speaker and trainer for freelancers and small business owners, in the translation industry and in other industries - she has already helped hundreds of translators boost their online presence and visibility. Earlier this year, she was commissioned to manage the online image of a candidate running in the French elections - quite an experience! A regular contributor to marketing and translation publications, she gives training sessions and workshops all over Europe. Follow her on Twitter @ADiamantidis and join the SocialMedia4Translators Community for daily tips on online branding! Also check out The Stinging Nettle for articles and help on Internet Marketing.

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