Freelancer's Futuristics Series - Temptation: Unhealthy Growth, Debt, Big Idea, Leverage Etc. Self - Immunization


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7 minutes

Learning Objectives

1. The Art of discrimination - the art to see things in proper perspective

2. To be able to be an editor of the 'content' our mind is generating - sometimes without our permission or authorization.

3. Questioning the sentence - 'It seems quite reasonable and logical'

4. Learning the discipline by which you can figure out 'between the lines' aspect of any proposition, plan or venture

5. Not to be tempted


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A Freelancer can have many temptations. Some are gross and some are very subtle. Some are time-bound and some are more permanent in nature.

This webinar lists various such gross and subtle temptations and ways and means to make them 'visible' so that we can analyse these with reference to proper perspective and self-immunize from these potential threats.

This analysis will provide a freelancer a kind of mental 'immunization' with regards to these temptations which can potentially cause significant short and long term damage to one's career and growth.

Upload Date

February 02, 2012

Trainer Bio

Pritam Bhattacharyya - Pritam Bhattacharyya is essentially a Bengali/Sylheti/Assamese linguist with 11 years of experience. He is the Founder and Chief Wordsmith of an agency called Wordsmith Communication. Which apart from language services in pan-Indic languages provides Creative Content and Print on Demand Services. He is editor of - a bilingual (English / Bengali) cultural monthly ezine on Greater Bengal. He had worked as a Telecom Engineer and later as a IP Network Manager in various cross-cultural Telecom teams worldwide. He holds his Bachelor's Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Masters in Communication Management from Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow. Pritam lives and works in Calcutta, India his city by adoption. His b-log on translation and online business can be seen here at

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