Getting Your Training Right


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54 minutes

Learning Objectives

In this course you will:

- Learn how to identify your on-going training and qualification needs
- Learn to analyse possible courses to make sure your choice brings value to your career
- Identify pitfalls to avoid when selecting training
- Get ideas on different types of training and qualifications
- Look at ways to make sure you get value out of courses once you’ve completed them


Get ideas, structure and avoid pitfalls in your continuing professional development. Make sure your training activities bring long-term value to your career. Select the right activities to get the most out of your time and investment.
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Get focus on your continuing professional development. Think about what you are doing and what you need to do regarding training and qualifications. Avoid throwing your money and time away on courses that don’t fulfil your needs.

This webinar looks at ways to approach your continuing professional development as a translator. It takes a good look at the pitfalls that have led many of us to take the wrong course at one time or another, and considers how to make sure you select the right courses for you. It also thinks about activities that you can do after completing training to ensure long-term value.

You will be encouraged to develop a training plan; get ideas on the many different sources of information out there, and really think about how to get the most out of the time and money you dedicate to training. This webinar discusses training and qualifications in general terms and is suitable for translators in any region.

Upload Date

February 17, 2015

Trainer Bio

Gwenydd Jones - Gwenydd Jones is a freelance Spanish-to-English translator and translator trainer. She has two MAs, the first in Translation Studies and the second in Legal Translation, and the DipTrans (CIOL). With 10 years’ experience, Gwenydd specialises in business, legal and marketing translation, copyediting and proofreading. You can read her blog and discover her courses for translators at

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