Increasing Revenue and Professional Development by Specializing in Technical Documents


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66 minutes

Learning Objectives

In this video you will learn how to:

Tailor your CV's and other profiles to get the right kind of work with increased rates
Decide which training courses represent the best value for money in terms of future growth
Understand what agencies are looking for in technical translators and the quickest ways to develop those traits


Learn how to develop in the right way to become a technical expert and first choice for technical translation jobs. This will ensure higher pay, access to more reliable clients, and more job satisfaction.
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On this course, we will discuss the best ways to become a well-paid technical translator. The process is not as simple as it may seem and there are many pitfalls in the early days and years. We will discuss strategic planning in your own career so you can achieve the best possible status, as well as thinking about how to treat jobs and clients. A good strategy early on will help you decide which forums and tools to use and which to avoid.

I will try to give data which will be useful for translators as a reference tool in deciding which direction to move and when to make the move. We will look at some examples of the different career paths available and some methods to figure out which are most beneficial.

These days, there are literally hundreds of translators competing for jobs. Having a strong technical subject-area will make you the first choice in that area to your clients, but you need to make sure they can find you. We will talk about ways to promote yourself and keep developing throughout your career.

Upload Date

March 27, 2014

Trainer Bio

David Smith does not have a bio.

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Siwei Wang
about 10 years ago

The course is very informative and helpful. David delivered the course in an excellent manner and provided very useful techniques. Thank you for the generous and professional sharing of your knowledge and experience.

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