Literature and Strategies for Translating Poetry


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74 minutes

Learning Objectives

Getting to know various aspects of translation research and models and becoming aware of the consequences of particular approaches. Identifying what different translation methods have in common to develop one’own mode of thought and expression.


Translating literature involves more than looking up for “equivalents”!
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The webinar will focus on different aspects and issues related to literary translation in general and to the translation of poetic texts in particular and on the transfer and the application of the knowledge acquired to the field of one’s job performances. The course aims then at presenting the debate about key issues and at confronting models of research.

The course also provides participants with practical advice and useful links to take the first steps in the world of literary translation and to meet other translators in order to share access to information.

Upload Date

September 20, 2016

Trainer Bio

Emilia De Paola - Emilia De Paola is an experienced language and literature teacher working in a High School (Scientific Studies) and a professional translator, member of AITI (Associazione Italiana Traduttori ed Interpreti). Since the beginning of her career she has been translating about town planning, finance, commerce, law, economics, genetics, chemistry and medicine for various job posters (University, Comune di Napoli etc.) as well as brochures and captions of findings of museums. Since 2006 she has been working on the localization of websites in English and in Italian and cooperating (translations of tourism, games, software) with agencies in Europe, in China, in the United States. Since 2007 she has been carrying out also translations of books of poetry, environmental studies, EU patents, airlines, food and drinks as well as translation of articles for publication in medical journals. She has also experienced teaching Physics in English. As a trainer and a sworn-certified linguist she has supported students and young professionals interested in acquiring competences enabling them to live and work worldwide.

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