Post-Graduate Translation Qualifications: DipTrans & MA


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59 minutes

Learning Objectives

In this course you will:

- consider qualifications in terms of the needs of a professional translator;
- learn about the pros and cons of doing post-graduate, translation qualifications;
- find out more about what’s involved in getting the DipTrans qualification;
- find out more about what’s involved in getting the MA qualification;
- discover alternative options;
- be encouraged to select qualifications based on your own professional profile and goals.


Get help with choosing translation-related qualifications in the UK. Understand what you will get for your time and money when you go for a university MA or the IoL Diploma in Translation. Discover what is really involved and which, if any, is best for you.
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This webinar puts the MA and DipTrans qualifications under the microscope. It will take a critical look at what is involved in obtaining these expensive and time-consuming post-graduate qualifications, with the aim of helping attendees to select the right qualification for their professional needs.

The webinar opens with an overview of qualifications in terms of translation and discusses factors that you need to take into account when selecting a post-graduate course. It will then focus on the Diploma in translation (available from the Chartered Institute of Linguists) and the MA qualification (available from UK universities). We will contrast what is involved in obtaining these qualifications, look at some of the pros and cons, and discuss what you can expect to get out of them. Some alternatives to these two options are also considered.

Attendees should come away with clearer ideas on the best route for them regarding their professional development.

Please note that the main qualifications under discussion are issued by UK institutions, although MAs can be taken on-line outside the UK, and the Diploma in Translation exam can be sat at examination centres abroad. The webinar discusses translation-related MA courses in general. The speaker will offer an unbiased perspective to try to help attendees make an objective decision. She will draw from her own experience, having completed the DipTrans and two translation-related MAs.

Upload Date

February 21, 2015

Trainer Bio

Gwenydd Jones - Gwenydd Jones is a freelance Spanish-to-English translator and translator trainer. She has two MAs, the first in Translation Studies and the second in Legal Translation, and the DipTrans (CIOL). With 10 years’ experience, Gwenydd specialises in business, legal and marketing translation, copyediting and proofreading. You can read her blog and discover her courses for translators at

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about 8 years ago

Very insightful - a must for anyone considering post-grad qualifications.

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