Using Visual Tools to Optimize Time and Organization
MatthieuCottard | Plus Exclusive Content
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$15 (Free with the Plus package)
48 minutes
Learning Objectives
The main topics covered in this Webinar will include:
- Enhance the use of our "brains"
o origins
o analogy
- Visualization
o graphic representation
o 3 channels of perception
- Different tools
o Mind Mapping
o Concept Mapping
o Visual Matrices
- Advantages and disadvantages of the tools
- Uses
o group
o individual
- Enhance the use of our "brains"
o origins
o analogy
- Visualization
o graphic representation
o 3 channels of perception
- Different tools
o Mind Mapping
o Concept Mapping
o Visual Matrices
- Advantages and disadvantages of the tools
- Uses
o group
o individual
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