Comment faire le bon choix ? Comparaison entre les principaux outils de TAO


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60 minutes

Learning Objectives

Students will know the main features and possibilities of:

1. SDL Trados
2. Wordfast
3. Déjà Vu (DVX)
4.STAR Transit
5. Alchemy Catalyst
6. Omega-T
7. Logoport
8. Passolo
9. CatsCradle
10. Translation Package Creation


Les outils de Traduction assistée par ordinateur (TAO) sont peut-être l’accélérateur idéal pour faire passer votre activité à la vitesse supérieure. Mais qu’est-ce que la TAO ? Que peuvent faire de tels outils exactement ? En avez-vous vraiment besoin ? Quel outil choisir ? Plusieurs outils sont disponibles sur le marché. Certains sont très populaires. Certains sont évolutifs. Certains sont des logiciels, d’autres des services disponibles depuis le Cloud (SaaS). Lequel fonctionnera le mieux pour vous ? Comment faire le bon choix ? Peut-on tester ces produits avant de prendre une décision et d’investir ? Ce cours passera en revue les logiciels les plus utilisés du marché. De nombreux facteurs seront pris en compte : - Prix - Gestion des différents formats/compatibilité - Système d’exploitation requis - Comment être certain de prendre la bonne décision pour votre activité freelance
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This course will describe and review the possibilities of the following CAT Tools:

1. SDL Trados
2. Wordfast
3. Déjà Vu (DVX)
4.STAR Transit
5. Alchemy Catalyst
6. Omega-T
7. Logoport
8. Passolo
9. CatsCradle
10. Translation Package Creation

Upload Date

November 02, 2012

Trainer Bio

Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD - Anne-Charlotte Perrigaud is a highly successful and experienced Senior Translator and Project Manager. She has eight years of experience as a freelance translator from English into French with her online consultancy, E-FRENCHTRANSLATIONS. Since joining in May 2002, she has made full use of to boost her income and build long-term relationships with clients and colleague alike. She specializes in Business, IT, Software Localization, Marketing and Business Communications. She holds an MA in French and English Translation (University of London) and has a BA in English Studies (Paris IV – Sorbonne). Before working as a translator she worked in-house for a French NGO based in Paris as a Junior Translator, Proofreader and Webmaster. During this time, she specialized in IT, Computers, Localization and CAT Tools. She is a member of the SFT and is a member of the Astradul Alumni Network. She had previously served as a Bank Employee for Thomas Cook Bankers France. A regular attendant to online and offline events and conferences, Anne-Charlotte has extensive training in English > French Translation and Interpreting Skills and has an in-depth knowledge of the language industry. She now runs a very successful freelance translation business, and works as a Senior Linguist and Consultant with both agencies and direct clients. Her background in the banking industry has given her valuable knowledge and experience in the business and marketing fields. Web site: profile: Anne-Charlotte PERRIGAUD

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