Free time-saving tools and utilities for translators


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58 minutes

Learning Objectives

This webinar offers:

- information on free tools and utilities which will help you improve the translation workflow (CAT tools, search tools & widgets)
- hints and tips on how to implement said free tools and utilities in the workflow
- information on free tools and utilities to improve the project management workflow
- information on free utilities to improve time management and increase productivity


This webinar will present some of the most useful free tools and utilities available to translators: free CAT tools, search tools & widgets, time-saving utilities to improve the project management workflow and free utilities to improve time management and increase your productivity.
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Effective implementation of free tools and utilities in the translation workflow can help you work faster AND better, increasing both your productivity and accuracy. This webinar will present some of the most useful free tools and utilities available to freelance linguists, including

- free CAT tools
- free search tools & widgets
- free time-saving utilities for better project management
- free utilities to improve your time management and overall productivity

All the tools and utilities presented in the webinar have been tried and tested - each presentation will also come with hints and tips on how to customise the use of said tools to maximise efficiency.

Upload Date

February 21, 2014

Trainer Bio

Alessandra Martelli - Alessandra Martelli is a freelance translator and copywriter working in the industry since 2002. Alessandra specializes in translation and copywriting projects in the fields of Marketing & Advertising, Market research and Tourism, and she is the “Italian voice” of some of the most important brands operating in the fields of luxury, tourism & hospitality, B2B services worldwide. Conference speaker and professional trainer, Alessandra provides hands-on actionable training to freelance translators willing to improve their skills both as professionals and as business owners. Website: Twitter: @mtmtranslations

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