Improve Your Written English: 50 of Our Favourite Mother-Tongue Mistakes


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67 minutes

Learning Objectives

The objective of this webinar is to make you more alert to the types of errors that many native-English translators overlook in their finished texts. The webinar aims to have a direct impact on the quality of your written English. The speaker will touch on different aspects of writing, including punctuation, grammar, style and usage.


This webinar aims to have a direct impact on the quality of your written English. The speaker will highlight and address 50 ‘favourite’ mistakes that native-English translators love making in their writing. You will receive plenty of practical tips that you can apply to your work immediately.
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This light-hearted, practical webinar gives attendees the opportunity to dedicate an hour to improving their English writing skills. The speaker will highlight and address 50 common mistakes that native-English translators make in their writing. The mistakes encompass different aspects of writing, including punctuation, grammar, style and usage, but all of them are ‘favourites’, in that native-English speakers love making them, again and again.

A professional translator is paid to write to a professional standard. Consequently, being a perfectionist as regards use of English is an essential quality for those wishing to reach the top of their game. It is not enough to be simply a native speaker; translators have to strive to be expert writers in their native languages. Far from coming naturally, writing is a skill that takes years to develop and a lifetime to perfect.

The objective of this webinar is to make you more alert to the types of errors that many translators overlook in their finished texts. Consequently, you will be more likely to spot and correct your own favourite mistakes when revising your work. Not only will this awareness improve the overall quality of your writing, but it will also make you a more effective proofreader of other people’s work. Further to this, being more aware of the mistakes you are likely to make when drafting your translation should allow you to produce quality work more quickly, leading to higher profitability.

Apart from a rare chance to enjoy the luxury of analysing some of the more complex aspects of written English, this webinar will also give you plenty of practical tips that you can apply to your work immediately.

The speaker is British, although she will endeavour to make the content as global as possible.

Upload Date

March 03, 2015

Trainer Bio

Gwenydd Jones - Gwenydd Jones is a freelance Spanish-to-English translator and translator trainer. She has two MAs, the first in Translation Studies and the second in Legal Translation, and the DipTrans (CIOL). With 10 years’ experience, Gwenydd specialises in business, legal and marketing translation, copyediting and proofreading. You can read her blog and discover her courses for translators at

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over 4 years ago

Although I don't translate into English, I've found this very interesting. One point that particularly captured my interest is the place of the adverb 'only', which can completely change the meaning of a sentence (also in other languages). I would like to add the possiblity of using the adverb 'merely', which can solve the ambiguity of the word 'only'.

Paulo Leite
almost 5 years ago

Even that I'm not native in English I found the webinar very useful. It's a pity that the blog is not accessible anymore (april, 2020).

Sara Pacheco
over 6 years ago

Aunque mi idioma nativo no es el inglés, igual me resultó muy útil e interesante este curso.

over 8 years ago

In addition, I would like some quick tips re capitalization in titles and subtitles.

over 9 years ago

Very interesting course, even for native speakers of other languages who translate into English!

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