Otras funciones del intérprete consecutivo: establecer turnos y mediar. Recursos y consejos


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53 minutes

Learning Objectives

Este seminario explicará cómo manejar los cambios de turnos, a controlar las transiciones y a mediar en las reuniones.


¿Cómo actúa el intérprete consecutivo en un acto? ¿Cómo organizar el acto a tu favor? ¿Por qué? ¿Hasta dónde? Mediar, influir y conciliar.
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Este seminario analizará:

- qué es información relevante
- la participación del intérprete consecutivo en un acto
- consejos eficaces antes de interpretar y alternando con la práctica

Upload Date

November 16, 2013

Trainer Bio

Sofia Bengoa - Sofia Bengoa became a BA (English studies) at the University of Zaragoza. She perfected her foreign languages in Cambridge (UK) and at the University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France). She then moved to Madrid where she started Translation and Interpretation studies at Cluny-ISEIT where she obtained her Translation degree. Professional interpreters were her latest option to finish her studies as interpreter. Being a translator for the Spanish Administration, she joined a Spanish TV station where she largely implemented on-air interpretation on the hottest current affairs of those years as well on as prime-time entertainment shows and debates. Since 2000 she became a free-lance. Now she combines adult courses of English language with conferences organization and interpretation assignments.

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