The Art, Science and Commerce of Pricing Your Translation-Related Products and Services


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52 minutes


Pricing of your products and services is not a matter of simple arithmetic. It is essentially your encrypted business signature. This course emphasizes why pricing is a critical component of freelancers and agency owners business success. Taking live examples, the course provides guidance on how to make sustainable, forward looking and growth-focused pricing decisions.
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Price generally has an association of a number, an arithmetical entity. But in an open, fragmented, un-regulated and very competitive market like translation, pricing is the key for business success - both short and long term.

Pricing is equally important for both freelance translators and agencies and needs to be considered while buying and selling translation products. The art and science of pricing should be considered when engaged in selling [ freelancer ] and buying [ agency ] and then selling upstream [ upstream agency to end customer ].

The video delves into many areas of business that are compressed and encrypted into a shorthand dialog "price". Topics include: competition, value-addition, investment, quality and perception of quality, self-image and perception of it.

De-encrypting pricing - What you pricing says about you and the market you serve

* 1. What is your self-valuation ?
* 2. How aware are you of market forces ?
* 3. How sensitive are you regarding competition ?
* 4. Your investment, commitment and research level
* 5. How to read value add from a pricing data [ for Agencies ]
* 6. How to read dependability and commitment from pricing data [For agencies]

Pricing Tips and Guidelines

* The basic arithmetic of pricing - starting point
* Information asymmetry - use this market feature in your advantage
* Artful spellout of pricing - communicating the price
* Price as a marketing tool
* Value-based pricing
* How agencies look at pricing data ?
* How to quote a price for a typical project ?

Price is NOT a piece of price-tag alone. It is an encrypted shorthand of many core aspects about you and your business communicated by you to the marketplace.

Upload Date

June 17, 2010

Trainer Bio

Pritam Bhattacharyya - Pritam Bhattacharyya is essentially a Bengali/Sylheti/Assamese linguist with 11 years of experience. He is the Founder and Chief Wordsmith of an agency called Wordsmith Communication. Which apart from language services in pan-Indic languages provides Creative Content and Print on Demand Services. He is editor of - a bilingual (English / Bengali) cultural monthly ezine on Greater Bengal. He had worked as a Telecom Engineer and later as a IP Network Manager in various cross-cultural Telecom teams worldwide. He holds his Bachelor's Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Masters in Communication Management from Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow. Pritam lives and works in Calcutta, India his city by adoption. His b-log on translation and online business can be seen here at

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Naweed Miakhel
over 10 years ago


almost 12 years ago

Little practical information, doesn't really live up to expectation raised by course description. Some good advice though from an experienced colleague, who obviously knows the business.

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almost 13 years ago

Indeed, this is a general marketing course on one of the 3 P's: Pricing. Even though it is not specifically for translators, it can give useful ideas. The best thing would be to buy access to webinars and videos that were made by translators and interpreters ONLY. NOBODY ELSE knows the profession of translation. It is too special and specific. Pritam's video on 'quoting for success' was interesting, although very poorly delivered, as usual (is this English, actually?), but the other two I have watched (designing your CV and this one) were a total loss of time on top of being mostly incomprehensible. There are other videos made by people from OUR profession: I recommend to choose those first. And you can create your own video if you have some knowledge to share. I am sure translators will be more interested in that kind of video than than of a so-called consultant who does not know the first thing about the real, concrete, day to day situation of a freelance translator.

Beata Sadlek
about 13 years ago

The content was too general, the presentation was too long, a lot of improvising; the trainer skipped one or two slides (I don't know if intentionally). Sometimes it was difficult to follow which point of the presentation was being discussed at the particular moment. I would appreciate more examples. Generally, there was some useful information, but I need to do a lot of additional research to find out about what I had expected to learn from the presentation.

over 13 years ago

I found the content to be vague and somewhat superficial. Not as much specific advice as I had hoped for after reading the course description.

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