What's Your Angle? Transcreation as a Specialisation


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76 minutes

Learning Objectives

In this course you will learn:
  • what is transcreation;
  • the differences between transcreation and translation;
  • what are the roles and stages involved in a transcreation project;
  • examples of transcreation projects;
  • how to specialize in transcreation.
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March 16, 2021
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Learn what is transcreation and how it is structured the world around this relatively new specialization. See what it takes to become a transcreator and if that something you might like as a specialization. <br><br>
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In one hour, learn what is transcreation and how it is becoming a highly requested specialization. From a comparison with its older sister "translation", to misleading interpretations, the actors and roles involved in a transcreation project and examples of works, we will take a detailed look at the transcreation world and its possibilities for freelance translators.

Upload Date

March 31, 2016

Trainer Bio

Sara Colombo - Sara is a qualified En-Fr-Sp>Italian translator with 6 years of experience within the marketing, business and CE/medical devices fields backed by relevant working experience in the marketing industry. She is also the author of the book ‘Balance Your Words. Stepping in the translation Industry’ and a blogger at www.saracolombotranslations.com. A marketer by heart, Sara loves to use social media to connect with peers but also to find new markets and niches. To get in touch with her connect through Twitter (@sc_translations), LinkedIn (Sara Colombo), Facebook (Sara Colombo Translations) or visit her blog!

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