Clauses in Contracts Between Agencies and Freelancers


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59 minutes

Learning Objectives

To make freelancers aware of the importance of contract clauses. To make them read the clauses and to make them think about what they read. Contract clauses are in the ordinary course of events binding law between the parties.


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This is an updated version of my presentation in Barcelona last year. The course deals with the contractual clauses presented by agencies to freelancers which would be problematic to the freelancer. Examples of these are jurisdiction clauses, clauses on applicable law, and clauses on injunctive relief etc. The participants will have the opportunity to send clauses they have met themselves to me before the seminar and have them commented during the session.

This content was created by Jørgen A. Andersen.

Upload Date

May 21, 2015

Trainer Bio

TraduLex / Jørgen A. Andersen - Lawyer-Linguist; many years of experience within the Court of Justice of the European Union and as a free-lance translator. As a lawyer, extensive experience in all common fields of law.

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about 10 years ago

Very informative and precised.

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