How to Make a Webinar (and Use It as Way to Attract New Clients Every Day!)


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77 minutes

Learning Objectives

In this webinar you will learn how to:
  • choose your webinar topic,
  • how to structure a webinar,
  • how to market a webinar,
  • which tools you need to have a high-quality webinar,
  • how to use a webinar as a successful sales channel,
  • how to attract new ideal clients every single day (without lifting a finger!).


In this one hour, we'll get into all the details about how to prepare a webinar, which tools to use and how you can use webinars to attract new clients every single day!
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Are you looking for new ways to attract clients online - and increase your income? Then doing webinars is the way to go.
By doing webinars, clients can see, hear and feel you in the first second. You can prove your expertise and develop TRUST easily (which is by the way one of the biggest barriers why someone won't hire you - because they don't know you, so they cannot trust you). When doing webinars, you overcome this barrier easily.

Have you never done a webinar and you are scared to hell of doing it? Don't worry, we'll cover that as well. So, don't miss this unique opportunity on

Upload Date

June 02, 2016

Trainer Bio

Tina Grilc - Tina Grilc is both an entrepreneur mentor and an English and German to Slovenian translator. After her Master’s Degree in Translation Studies at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and University Graz (Austria), she continued her education with a Master’s Degree in Marketing Communication in 2010. In 2011, she was a translation trainee at the European Commission in Luxembourg and continued her path in the corporate world for a while. In 2012, she started her own business and has been working in her company as a translator and language teacher on a full-time basis since that time. In 2015, she started mentoring and coaching new entrepreneurs in the areas of marketing, automation and digital products. Tina Grilc je podjetniška mentorica in prevajalka iz angleščine/nemščine v slovenščino. Po zaključku prevajalskega študija na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani ter na Univerzi v Gradcu, je leta 2010 svoj podiplomski študij nadaljevala s študijem strateškega tržnega komuniciranja na Fakulteti za družbene vede. Naslednje leto je 5 mesecev delala pripravništvo na Evropski komisiji v Luksemburgu in nato še nekaj časa delala v večjem mednarodnem podjetju v Sloveniji. Leta 2012 je začela svoje podjetje S Tino v tujino ( in od takrat dela kot prevajalka ter učiteljica tujih jezikov. Leta 2015 je začela delati kot podjetniška mentorica in coach za nove podjetnike na področju marketinga, avtomatizacije in digitalnih produktov.

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