How to Be Enterprising - The Translator and Interpreter as Entrepreneurs


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79 minutes

Learning Objectives

How to be proactive rather than reactive.
How to have a positive rather than a negative outlook.
How to exploit opportunities.
How to feel the fear and do it anyway.
How to think outside the box.
How to take calculated risks.
How to transform being a Translator and /or Interpreter into being a successful business person.
Don't risk not doing this course!


How to be an entrepreneur - why just being an interpreter or translator is not enough Learn how to exploit opportunities and take calculated risks
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Translators and Interpreters are foremost... Translators and Interpreters!
We are not naturally business people and many of us have had to learn the hard way how to set up and then run a business.
Some colleagues have never learned how to run a business that pays and stays.
This course will inspire you to find your niche in the market.
The course will also teach you how to open up new markets.
Entrepreneurs are driven by profit.
Entrepreneurs are constantly seeking out and then acting on opportunities.
Where other colleagues see risks entrepreneurs see opportunities to be exploited.
Entrepreneurs are go-getters who are on top of their game.
Entrepreneurs know how to beat the competition.
Entrepreneurs know how o diversify to survive.

Upload Date

April 12, 2016

Trainer Bio

sue leschen - Sue Leschen is a lawyer - linguist and is also the Director of Avocate a niche market legal and commercial French interpreting and translation business based in Manchester, UK. She is a hands - on interpreter and translator herself - been there, got the T Shirt! She is a member of the Council of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and also of the Professional Conduct Committees of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting, the National Register of Public Service Interpreters and also of the National Registers of Communication Professionals working with Deaf Blind persons. Sue is also a member of the Association of Police and Court Interpreters and also of the International Association of Professional Interpreters and Translators. Sue believes in the need for professionally qualified, experienced and security vetted language professionals and she writes and lectures widely on professional conduct and standards. She is also an independent trainer and presents Business Clinic Support sessions as well as sessions on legal terminology support. Like the trainer's pages on Twitter, LinkedIn.

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